Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, those booties I mentioned in my last post? Actually, I made two pairs.

Congratulations Jess and Amy!

Seriously, is there anything better than knitters having babies? Cute, snuggly babies in cute, snuggly knitwear - yum! When I told (okay, squealed) the news to my husband he said, somewhat darkly, "Don't get any ideas." Don't worry, hon. No ideas here. I shall live vicariously through other people's babies (oh yeah, and my own kids too) and I shall cuddle them at, say, 2pm instead 2am, if you get my meaning.

Hey, speaking of cute babies . . .

It's Brand-new Niece! She's four months old, and dude - she is the fattest baby I have ever seen. So cute. She's also very sweet; she sings and coos all the time. And did you see her shirt? Remember that one? Squee!
That last picture was taken at a little party we had this weekend for Baby Sister's birthday. I'm glad I lacked the motivation to have the party closer to her actual birthday, because this way we got to have it outside. The weather cooperated beautifully, and everybody had a lovely time. baby Sister gave rides and got rides

and the boys learned a new skateboard trick from my sister Nancy's Boyfriend.

Boyfriend did some tricks too - and I think the kids consider him to be the Official Coolest Person Ever. Jess' daughter referred to him as "The Teenager" (he's not), which I think is a compliment coming from an 8-year-old.

It was a good day - and next Sunday promises to be just as good. The Yarn Harlot! At Webs! With real-live bloggers! I can't wait. :)